Take a Spring Step
Spring is here – at last! The long cold and dark nights are over. The days are getting longer and brighter with temperatures warming up, plants are beginning to blossom and the sun no longer struggles to break through the clouds. We have ushered in gently the Spring season. Spring in the literal sense means to jump or leap forward. Other synonyms include, bounce, pounce and hop. What does Spring signify to you? Could it be a time to jump at that new opportunity that promises a better future? Or a time to take a leap of faith to step out courageously into that business venture that’s been on your mind for years! Could it be a time to hop on the property ladder and purchase that dream home you have always wished for? Have you been thinking of how to acquire a new skill, broaden your network of friends or plan that dream holiday? Whatever your aspiration is, this spring time may be the season for you to translate your ideas into reality. Spring signifies new beginnings. Use this spring to transform your life and do even if it is that just one thing you have always wanted to do. It is a season of new and fresh beginnings. May the freshness of this season freshen your heart and soul and birth something new and great in you.
Here are some tips that may help guide your ideas
What is that one thing you have always wanted to do?
Start by writing a list of the things you’ve always wanted to do. It can help to take one step at a time. Select at least three items on your list. Finally pick one that is uppermost on your mind and work on achieving this.
Here are some useful questions to ask:
▪ What specifically do you want?
▪ How will you know when you have achieved it?
▪ What is important about achieving this goal?
▪ When do you want to achieve it by?
Where are you now in reality to achieving your goal?
What is stopping you?
There could be many factors such as not being sure of where and how to start, financial concerns, the need to need to get a training qualification or lack of confidence.
Here are some useful questions to ask:
▪ How do you feel about where you are now?
▪ What have you done to achieve your goal?
▪ What are the challenges?
▪ What strengths do you have which may be helpful?
What are your options?
Start from where you are! What can you do now? For example, if the problem is financial, start by identifying how much money you would need to achieve your goal. If it requires training, begin by determining whether to get a vocational qualification or enrolling on a short course. Conduct your research, talk to people and explore different options.
Here are some useful questions to ask:
▪ What could you do to change the situation?
▪ Who might be able to help?
▪ What if you had all the time in the world you need?
▪ Which option most interests you?
▪ What are the benefits and consequences of this option?
Take action – take the first step
Put together everything you need to do in order to accomplish your goal. Try to do one small thing – something that will not commit you to anything that feels overwhelming. Set a date for you to begin. Will you feel the fear when you start this journey? You may and you may not! But if you do, don’t let that stop you – just see what it would feel like to have started.

Here are some useful questions to ask:
▪ What steps are you willing and able to take now?
▪ What might get in the way?
▪ What are the benefits of taking this action?
▪ What are the consequences of not taking this action?
▪ What support do you need?
▪ How and when will you get it?
Enjoy the spring season and your journey into something new!